Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Different Aspects Of Distribution Transformer And Power Transformer

The consumption of electricity has augmented manifold in one's daily life. Most  of the household appliances these days work on electricity. It meets every needs and is used while cooking, heating, cooling, light, sound, refrigeration, entertainment and computation. Electricity has in fact become a basic necessity. One cannot imagine life without electricity these days. But often one faces power troubles due to voltage fluctuations. Many a times home appliances break down due to the voltage problem making it  difficult to run the devices safely and efficiently. The way out to solve such problems is through a transformer. A transformer is the right solution to rectify voltage fluctuations.

Importance of distribution transformer and power transformer in their own respective
Distribution transformers in India are a vital equipment that enables the release of electricity with high degrees of capillarity. Owing to this, each of the conductors of the distribution networks becomes a mode of passing into the transformer voltage surges, particularly those that are yielded by lightning. It is used in every sector of the economy from commercial, industrial to residential. A distribution transformer is categorized on the basis of the type of insulation, voltage level and number of phases.

Power transformers are one of the most common transformer types utilized for converting main voltage into low voltage and/or vice versa resting on the need. This type of transformer is also known as step-up or a step-down transformer depending on its functionality. Its chief functionality is making use of electricity devoid of the risk of devastating the internal circuitry of any device due to high voltage flow. The term power transformer itself explains the very reason of the equipment for use of both power distribution as well as management. A power transformer is utilized for transmitting power from higher voltages to lower voltages.

(For More Resource :- How To Make Modern Approach To Resolve Issues Of Transformers Oil Filtration

Different aspects of power transformer and distribution transformer

  • Distribution transformer is utilized for distributing electrical energy at a low voltage lesser than 33KV for industrial purposes and 440-220v for domestic purposes. The power transformer is utilized for transmission purposes at heavy load, higher voltage above 33KV and with 100% efficiency.
  • Distribution transformers are designed for utmost efficiency at 60-70% load and does not normally operate at full load every time. The load of a distribution transformer rests on distribution demand. On  the other hand, power transformers are designed for utmost effectiveness at 100% load. This type of transformer always works at 100% load owing to the fact that it is adjacent to generating stations.
  • Distribution transformer is a part of the distribution system whereas a power transformer is an integral part of the transmission system.
  • Distribution transformers are always online hence operated at a load lesser than full load mostly. As a result, it is created in such as way that the core loss is minimal. While a power transformer typically is operated at a full load. Owing to this, it is designed in such a way that the copper loss is minimal. The flux density in a power transformer is higher compared to a distribution transformer.

Although, these two transformers share differences but they have their own individual importance. Both  play a vital part to keep voltage fluctuations at bay.

About the Author :
Through this content, Reeyankee Das Choudhury has highlighted on the differences between Distribution Transformers and Power Transformers as well the role of both in fighting voltage fluctuations in their respective ways.


  1. The topic about Distribution transformers, is widely used in the organisation where , in every department holds different quantity of electricity to run the machines.

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  6. Generation of electrical power in low voltage level is very much cost effective. Hence electrical power are generated in low voltage level, and there are so many manufacturing companies for power transformer in India

  7. Electronic transformer changes electrical power through higher in order to minimal voltage utilizing two properties of associated with electrical power. In an electrical circuit, there is magnetism all around it. Many companies producing Electronic transformer and Power transformers in India.

  8. Yes it is right that electricity plays the important role in their life. Electricity is using in the different sector such as homes, corporate sector, different types of industry sector and many other sector. Transformer is one of the best equipment which controls the electricity fluctuations in the different sector. There are many Transformer manufacturers in India which are providing different types of transformer.

  9. Thank for the info the different of Transformer and Power Transformer

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  17. Портальные двери и окна, иначе называемые PSK-порталом, монтируются в целях экономии незаполненного, свободного места. Нормальные виды окон и дверей раскрываются внутрь помещения, что занимает весьма значительную область места в комнате. Инновационные модели дают возможность избежать этой неприятности, усилить воздушный и световой поток в помещении.
    Подъемно-сдвижной портал – это системы, кои славятся очень широкой площадью остекления. Ради гарантии возможности открывания створок присутствуют нижние и верхние полозья, при помощи которых механизм бесшумно и легко скользит.
    Движение осуществляется при помощи ходовых роликов, которые имеют в своем составе опору как элемент армирования, которое позволяет очень равномерно распределять массу по по всему окну. Они дают возможность стеклопакету передвигаться во всевозможных режимах (сдвига, наклона).
    Высота створки окна должна быть меньше 2360 мм, а ширина окна или двери имеет возможность изменяться от 670 мм до 160 см. С учетом общего веса (изменяется от 100 кг до 200 кг), на портальную систему ставится определенная фурнитура для обеспечения беспроблемного функционирования створок, роста срока эксплуатации. Ширина свободного проема может достигать 2000 мм.
    Портальные окна и двери обладают хорошими герметичными свойствами, отличными показателями звуко-, теплоизоляции, предлагают высокий уровень противовзломности, великолепно подойдут для всех видов нынешних профилей. При сборке применяют опоясывающие щеточные уплотнители, которые ощутимо улучшают функционирование створок.
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  18. Немногие компании-изготовители косметических средств имеют возможность похвастаться тем, что их продукция попала в число фаворитов, которые предпочли члены королевских династий. Компания-производитель Lebel Cosmetics уже свыше 30 лет поставляет собственную продукцию в японский императорский дом. Неудивительно, что, заслужив титул косметики №1 в Японии, линия окрашивания волос Lebel в салоне легко завоевала европейский рынок и уже покорила сердца многих граждан США и Канады. желтый маникюр
